Well its February the 14th the day of love. A Happy Valentine’s Day to all.
Where I grew up in my rural village in Trinidad, we never really celebrated Valentine’s Day. It is only when I met my wife then this day of celebrating love became very significant. She would go all out in celebrating this theme and expressing her love for me with gifts and pleasantries. I eventually became converted because anything celebrating love it’s worth it. According to Wikipedia “Valentine’s Day originated as a Christian feast day honouring a Christian martyr named Saint Valentine and true later folk traditions it has become a significant cultural religious and even commercial celebration of romance and love.”
….it is not about whether I feel that I love her, I first love her in obedience to God and then that wonderful feeling of love fills my heart.
Anything that celebrates love for me would have my endorsement and in this case the love that has been celebrated is really a love for couples. I love sharing between spouses and so I endorse this love. I believe in expressing love for my wife every day. As a man, I believe my role in loving my wife is being obedient to God. God first expects obedience and so it is not about whether I feel that I love her, I first love her in obedience to God and then that wonderful feeling of love fills my heart. In return my wife also expresses her love for me on a daily basis. We reciprocate because that was the formula God gave and we have seen the benefit of expressing love on a daily basis. Where Valentine’s Day may seem to be a very romantic occasion and the businesses capitalise on this it is for us to see how the expression of love impacts our relationship in such a positive way and with that in mind you can make it a habit to express love to your spouse more often than you do right now. Also, you may not have to buy gifts every day as we do on Valentine’s Day, the day of giving gifts, but what you can do is make the gift giving to your loved one a more frequent practice because gifts have a way of making us feel good.