Is there is a formula that can be applied to marriage to make it loving and lasting? Oh Yes there is!
Married to an Angel highlights biblical and practical principles for a healthy Angelic marriage. Spouses who manifest very God-like characteristics, can cause each spouse to say “I am married to an angel”. Does this mean that your heavenly type marriage is free from earthly problems? Of course not! However if God is placed at the head of your marriage, then surely you can face and conquer any issue or challenge.
MARRIED TO AN ANGEL was founded by Rev. Dr. Stephen Paul Mendoza in the year 2008. The term was coined from him hearing his mother calling his father an “Angel”, because of the love and care he showered upon her. His parents , now deceased, were married for close to sixty years and he never overheard them quarreling. This was the inspiration Dr. Mendoza had that birthed the name. Dr. Mendoza is a qualified counselor and holds a Doctorate in Scriptural Psychology while his wife Lorna Mendoza holds a Bachelor degree in Scriptural Psychology and Masters in Global Leadership.
They have been married for over twenty five years and have four beautiful daughters. They are both the senior pastors of Revival Mission a church based in the island of Trinidad and Tobago. In the year 2010 Dr. Mendoza launched his first book “Married to an Angel” named after the ministry. They have conducted numerous marriage seminars in their country Trinidad and Tobago and Internationally. Both have always had a passion for building strong families and marriages. The call upon their lives is to impart biblical principles for healthy angelic marriages.
Counselling for engaged couples or those contemplating marriage. Getting to know the couple and assisting them on their journey towards marriage.
Counselling of legally married couples. Mediation in challenging situations. Working towards guiding the couple on right pathways that would lead towards a healthy marriage.
Showing couples several methods to manage their finances so they can accomplish their goals for their family. A home where money is managed well, affects a marriage positively.
Conducts many marriage tune up seminars and well known for their “Angels Weekend Retreats.
Rev. Dr Stephen and Lorna Mendoza are licensed by the Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago as Ministers of Religion to engage and marry couples. (will not perform same-sex weddings)
Marriage and Family courses are offered.
Married To An Angel, ©2022 All Rights Reserved.